True Self Map

The True Self Profile is a custom-designed comprehensive exploration of your core issues—everything that you want to maintain now and nurture for future benefit, and everything that you are ready to release from the past that no longer serves you. The profile is completed in advance of most True Self Unlimited programs and defines the primary focus of your program.

The profile is holistic in nature. First, you will answer questions about your physical health and then you will progress to your emotional life, your mental attitudes, and your spiritual influences. After this, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your beliefs and ideals around money, love, and power. You will reflect on your self-identity and your sense of your purpose(s). You will have a chance to clarify a vision for your life…and to feel the presence or absence of one that inspires you.

The True Self Profile is your Pyramid of Power, a catalyst to manifest what and how you want to change. No matter your age, you can learn ways to optimize your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health by learning to discern your True Self from your conditioned false self. The ramifications of this self-examination in your inner and outer life are profound — imagine your life overflowing with fulfillment at the highest level of your body, mind, and soul.

After you have completed the True Self Profile, you will receive detailed feedback from Carista in one or more evaluation sessions. We will focus on where your inner or outer life is unsatisfactory or feeling stuck. If you so choose, in subsequent sessions, we can design a breakthrough program for optimal flow and joy. You select the outcomes and the pace at which you will proceed. Generally, retreats offer the most accelerated results. You are able to immerse yourself deeply, without distraction, and there is time — right now — for in-depth exploration, healing, and substantial re-patterning.

In additional sessions, we can use the Profile as a foundation for deeper work.

Consider this —
Your life can expand from a habit to survive into a passion to thrive:

  • You will look at your self-identities. Old identities that limit your self-expression can be replaced with empowering new identities that inspire you to Be Your True Self.
  • With the assurance of complete confidentiality, you can address those key relationships (over your lifespan) that you need to reconcile within yourself to experience inner peace.
  • You will have the opportunity to review core beliefs around money, love, and power and to release those attitudes, patterns, and behaviors that you have outgrown. True Self Common Issues
  • You can clarify the key commitments and goals to sustain in your inner and outer life.
  • You will then be given a comprehensive overview. We will explore where you have discrepancies between the life you are living and the life you want to be living as your True Self.
  • If you want, the next step is to create a specific True Self Action Plan to realize your desires, goals and outcomes at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Isn’t it time to experience yourself and your whole life flourishing?
If not you, who? If not now, when?

To inquire about how to receive your True Self Profile and Evaluation Session,
contact Carista via email at [email protected]