Be Your True Self

True Self Consulting with Carista Luminare, Ph.D., offers holistic consulting/counseling/coaching, private retreats and custom programs for releasing the conditioned false self, and embodying your True Self- body, mind and soul.

True Self Consulting provides a personalized program for uncovering the truth of who you really are. My services are for anyone who feels a passion for living an authentic life, whatever age you are, and phase of life you are in. If you are freshly awakening to your True Self nature, I can guide you to a simple and direct path forward.

One of my specialties is supporting “high achievers” (and their partners) who have created exceptional professional success and who often struggle with how to find direction and fulfillment in life, now that they are more secure and have what they’ve worked so hard for.

What now?  With economic uncertainties affecting everyone, even those with substantial wealth are challenged to find a solid sense of security from within. If you want to redefine your relationship to security and wealth,  I can guide you to greater peace of mind, less dependent on outer circumstances. The inner security of trusting and embodying your True Self is priceless.

The tools required for the climb to the top are still valuable, but no longer optimal, for navigating this next phase of life. To make this the most enriching leg of your journey, you need to literally shed those conditioned false parts of your personality that limit you.

True Self Consulting offers custom-designed sessions for your desired outcomes. There are many options for a highly concentrated and structured program that dramatically accelerates your ability to transform and connect with your True Self as your North Star, guiding you at any age, through every phase of life.

The True Self Way

The Ancient Wisdom Teachings ask the perennial questions:

The answer to these questions change as your True Self awakens during different phases of life. As you clarify your essential nature over time, your life purpose can evolve to include that which gives your life meaning at any phase of life.

It is your birthright to know who you are at your core and to live your life with conscious self-awareness. Cross culturally, there are many names that refer to this higher awareness: the Soul, the Higher Self, the Authentic Self, the Essential Self, the Spiritual Self, the Divine Self, and the True Self. There are countless definitions that describe the transcendent aspect of our self that can be found in various spiritual, religious and metaphysical belief systems.

I find the term the “True Self” illuminating because it implies there is unlimited potential within all of us. True or truth implies the ultimate light – enlightenment — that comes through cultivation of the sacred within us. You become your True Self when your personality is able to sense, express and embody the loving presence of your soul in a sustained way.

True Self also implies there is a conditioned false self and herein lies the malady of the human condition. The conditioned false self is simply distortion—that unique collection of patterns (beliefs and behaviors) that we all developed in childhood as coping mechanisms to help protect ourselves against the challenges and traumas that arose. The conditioned false self is reactive and restricting rather than responsive and empowering.

The conditioned false self keeps us slaves to the petty, to the habit patterns of ego instead of to the renewal of the spirit. We stumble along when we could be soaring. Many adults live their lives unaware of their patterns and are not able to fully connect with their inherent strengths, virtues and talents—soul qualities. We flail and sink in despair and then we become entrenched. We cannot think ourselves out of this state because even our intellect is hostage to our many limiting beliefs.

“Carista’s wisdom and gifts as a teacher are a rare blend of living the divine inside this very life: 100% human and connected to spirit. She’s funny, she’s down to earth; she’s deep and as wise as they come. She operates on multiple levels all at once. For me, the greatest gift is her ability to be what she teaches. It’s given me not only the tools but also the courage to begin to live what I know as my truth.”

— Cara Spencer, Art Director

The True Self Way is a practical method to pierce through these destructive patterns and to master our ability to express and maintain our soul consciousness in our daily life. When we identify with the truth within us, our life flows and our anxiety diminishes as we experience greater peace of mind. As we transform ourselves, we see that our external world and the way we relate to it takes on new meaning. We step out of weakness and into strength; out of fear and into love; out of our conditioned false self and into our True Self.

“Carista works like a master weaver. She expertly guides you through the labyrinth of your inner being to reach the source of your confusion or dysfunctional behavior. And from that point, gently offers an opportunity for healing which returns you to a clearer present.”

— John Paul, Designer

What does being your True Self mean to you?
  • Are you a spiritual being having a human experience… or a human being having a spiritual experience?
  • Are you a personality who has a soul… or a soul that has a personality?
  • What parts of you invite chaos into your life… how does chaos then gain the upper hand?
  • What identity within you transforms uncertainty into certainty, insecurity into security and fear into trust?

The answers to all of these questions reside in your heart and mind right now, but you are not consciously connected to the solutions. You must give yourself permission to Be Your True Self. No one else can do this for you. No one else can be you for you. The door is open for you to embody your True Self freely.

If not you, who? If not now, when?

Global Availability

In-person in California  |  Sessions Via Phone, Skype or Zoom
International Travel to Your Location

Contact us for more information.